WE have transmissions from the rebel alliance indicating that we should worry about crime and criminals instead of cumbersom burocratic innacurate registries. Well they obviously haven't read the Imperial Charter of rights that no one was allowed to vote on, we on the dark side don't like referendums, they smell of democracy.

If we liked democracy we wouldn't talk about the tyrrany of the majority, heh why worry about that when you can have the tyrrany of me? In the imperial Charter which I Emperor Dion fully endorse, right number seven, the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of Imperial justice.
Now if we give sanctimonious home owners the right to kill people while they are breaking into houses, stealing, raping and murdering that would in effect take away the right to personal safety of the wonder citizens doing the break and enters.
Remember it's only a charter violation when a rule is being broken that should be defending a group the left likes. For groups on the right we come up with lame rationalizations like Coruscant natives have always had an unfair advantage or they deserve affirmative action or we just don't care because we hate them.
Anyway the crime rate with blasters has been going up succesfully every year since the registry was launched so its obvious the group we care about most "criminals" are doing fine. In fact the whole reason we have a registry is because when we pretend to fight crime we always put the onus on law abiding citizens and do less each time liberals are elected towards criminals.
The pesky rebel alliance says we should worry about the rights of victims as criminals, well they forget that one thing is formost in our minds as we contemplate these matters on an interstellar scale. In the intergallactic kingdom murder rates doubled in the 10 years after blasters were made illegal, we like to help crime, theres a reason for that, the formost thing is, we're evil yea, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh,....