Sunday, October 5, 2008

Darth Dion: speaks out on family values.

We of the Imperium have a definite goal when it comes to family values. for instance young Anikins goal was the mere annihilation of his family. For this we awarded him the title of Darth. See Queen Amidala was seen traveling in public with another man. No some people in the rebel alliance are not sensitive to other cultures and their traditions. Well this was just another honour killing it's not a big deal or the MosEisley Stream Media would have reported it. But it's not a big deal because Darth Erickson didn't report it. She said the story was boring in a most unbiased fashion. Stories we evil people don't like are always boring.

We need to be culturally sensitive in the Empire Anikan comes from a desert planet where slavery is acceptable because other people become your property. We need to be sensitive especially to those who only need a lame justification to kill family members in the old planet. these are the values that will one day take over the Imperium and they will provide the values to be forced on your grand children. So be tolerant lest they riot and burn your car and your family while yelling Allahu dark side.

Why Krista has sided with forces that would make her seven of nine, well we can only explain it by saying she hates the Rebel Alliance a lot and would rather be the victim in an honour killing for slutting around then let Master Jedi Harper win control of the empire.

It goes without saying that we support single parent families. By the time I Darth Dion am finished the empire there will be a lot more single parent families,

Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh,

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