Thursday, October 23, 2008

Darth M.A.D. the Last Post?

for now,

The fight is not over. Evil skulks the land and after all when count douku was killed there was another apprentice to take his place.

Final Votes are in re the immigration poll
Who do you want in the majority,
Blacks 2 (6%)

Chinese 3 (9%)

Arabs 4 (12%)

Scotspersons 22 (70%)

A poll the likes of which you'll not see any of the national broadcasters comission.

but then they are out of touch

"Ipsos Reid survey last month revealed that almost two-thirds of respondents viewed Liberals as dishonest; 80% deemed them stale; 63% thought them phony; and 66% perceived them "out of touch with Canadians like you." By the time Tuesday night's numbers rolled in, their popularity finished at an all-time low."

If you want to drop by my usual blogging err blog, go to M.A.D.

Job offers @ M.A.D. from MSM's are currently being accepted.

But LPoC may return maybe the NDP will pull the plug in January one never knows.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Darth Anita Neville why we need to throw away billions of dollars on diversity.

Well to us of the Cith diversity is important: It is more important than equal opportunity for job hiring; more important than better roads; more important than making sure fire fighters can actually rescue people; it's certainly more important than the scummy empire builders who deserve the job.

We of the Imperium really don't care about the cost principles are more important than money. If lower productivity ruins the empire well we of the Cith are willing to raise your taxes to compensate. After all theres always more money where taxpayers are concerned. We are willing to send the tax dollars of white males who lost jobs due to to wookies only needing 86 points to be hired while those who we hate who built the empire need a mere 115. There is also hope that by the time wookies have their grandchildren that they will be able to actually communicate in a national language.

If were willing to be open and practice tolerance with your tax dollars why aren't you. It's because you're a knuckle dragging meanie thats why. You should be willing to give your money to the empire so it can waste it on social engineering. If the death Star blows up because no one can understand what the engineers are saying, we can always raise taxes to build another one in episode 6.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Darth Dion why it's important to NOT cheer for the home team.

Now those of you out there have to realize that we in the empire spend most of our time cheering for foreign players at intergalactic sports events. At the intergalactic Olympics Darth Chretien cheered for the planet China, and petrokhazakstan if we can figure out why.

Some have questioned why Darth Martin who was given ownership Corusent Spaceship Lines keeps firing empire employees. Like are you people stupid? This is part of enriching diversity. As each and every person is fired whether from the docks of Planet Collingwood or on board a ship smuggling drugs into the port of sidney they feel enriched. As they languish on the unemployment lines they ooze enrichment. As they beg in alcoves of spaceports they celebrate diversity whilst hoping for food.

Now some of you have said this means we hate empire humanoids to the expense of all others, well logic, rational thought, common sense all dictate that anyone even thinking that is racist, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh,

Darth Dion: the blaster registry works the way it should, peons.

WE have transmissions from the rebel alliance indicating that we should worry about crime and criminals instead of cumbersom burocratic innacurate registries. Well they obviously haven't read the Imperial Charter of rights that no one was allowed to vote on, we on the dark side don't like referendums, they smell of democracy.

If we liked democracy we wouldn't talk about the tyrrany of the majority, heh why worry about that when you can have the tyrrany of me? In the imperial Charter which I Emperor Dion fully endorse, right number seven, the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of Imperial justice.

Now if we give sanctimonious home owners the right to kill people while they are breaking into houses, stealing, raping and murdering that would in effect take away the right to personal safety of the wonder citizens doing the break and enters.

Remember it's only a charter violation when a rule is being broken that should be defending a group the left likes. For groups on the right we come up with lame rationalizations like Coruscant natives have always had an unfair advantage or they deserve affirmative action or we just don't care because we hate them.

Anyway the crime rate with blasters has been going up succesfully every year since the registry was launched so its obvious the group we care about most "criminals" are doing fine. In fact the whole reason we have a registry is because when we pretend to fight crime we always put the onus on law abiding citizens and do less each time liberals are elected towards criminals.

The pesky rebel alliance says we should worry about the rights of victims as criminals, well they forget that one thing is formost in our minds as we contemplate these matters on an interstellar scale. In the intergallactic kingdom murder rates doubled in the 10 years after blasters were made illegal, we like to help crime, theres a reason for that, the formost thing is, we're evil yea, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh,....

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Darth Mallick: [typical report] Why the dark side hates Sarah Palin.

Well first because I'm a racist and a sexist person I'm going to mock her race and call her white trash. Now I don't have any real reason for this other than I don't like her political party. She certainly isn't trash she's married, she's not on welfare but, she is white and because we on the dark side are endophobic bigots I'll call her white trash. Trust me if I ever hear of people doing it to other presidential candidates of other colours I'll jump up and down as I froth at the mouth like a rabid feminazi and denounce them. Theres a well thought reason for doing that. We on the dark side are all hypocrites though we like to call ourselves complex because it sounds better than the truth. After all the truth might wake up the brain dead individuals who drool away their life watching the CBC.

Now about her sex, yes even though feminists say we want women in power we do not really mean it. Did feminists cheer for Kim Campbell, did we cheer when Allied forces went into Afghanistan and women wouldn't be killed for feeling the sun on their faces, and we sure as tax dollars didn't cheer when Margaret Thatcher became prime minister.

It's because we say we want women to succeed but they are using the wrong strategy. They think she deserves the job because she's the best person for the job!

That is light years away from feminist ideals, where she should have gotten the job solely because there was a quota to be filled, because of social worker outreach committees, hiring freezes, retribution for all the years men held the job. There are a lot of reasons to foist a female candidate on the population but her competence is not one of them.

So I Heather the troll Mallick hate Sarah and I'm willing to do all I can within my taxfunded power to knock the wheels off her apple cart. Only after Sarah is disposed of can we fight for social justice properly. we need incompetent women in charge who don't deserve their jobs. We need women who are going to vote for democrat men who treat them like sperm blivots. We need women willing to vote for men whenever a competent woman shows up. Only then will the fight for social justice be approaching our goals.

PS I have a voo doo doll that looks like Margaret Thatcher.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Darth Dion: speaks out on family values.

We of the Imperium have a definite goal when it comes to family values. for instance young Anikins goal was the mere annihilation of his family. For this we awarded him the title of Darth. See Queen Amidala was seen traveling in public with another man. No some people in the rebel alliance are not sensitive to other cultures and their traditions. Well this was just another honour killing it's not a big deal or the MosEisley Stream Media would have reported it. But it's not a big deal because Darth Erickson didn't report it. She said the story was boring in a most unbiased fashion. Stories we evil people don't like are always boring.

We need to be culturally sensitive in the Empire Anikan comes from a desert planet where slavery is acceptable because other people become your property. We need to be sensitive especially to those who only need a lame justification to kill family members in the old planet. these are the values that will one day take over the Imperium and they will provide the values to be forced on your grand children. So be tolerant lest they riot and burn your car and your family while yelling Allahu dark side.

Why Krista has sided with forces that would make her seven of nine, well we can only explain it by saying she hates the Rebel Alliance a lot and would rather be the victim in an honour killing for slutting around then let Master Jedi Harper win control of the empire.

It goes without saying that we support single parent families. By the time I Darth Dion am finished the empire there will be a lot more single parent families,

Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh,

Friday, October 3, 2008

Darth Dion: You should make the rich pay because you are a lazy idiot.

Now we in the Cith party of Canada have an element that says make the rich pay. This might seem contradictory given Darth Petrokhazakstan or Darth CSL but we in the Cith Party like to call these hypocrisies complexities. So lazy stupid, people who can't plan their way out of a paper bag if their life depended on it want to make the rich pay. Well we want their vote and by Yavin IV we'll give them a pat on the head to do it. On the one hand we tell people only we will help the poor only the Cith Party can lift them up only the Cith Party will show them respect. The rebel Alliance will point to Collingwood and say the workers fired for being too Canadian and this is hooey. To this we say racism and we'll raise you an HRC.

We have done well for people if Darth Petrokhazakstan had been a carpenter in Shawinigan would he have been given a golf course? Would he have been hired by Petrokhazakstan? I don't think so. We don't care how lazy you are or how much you screwed up your life we'll fight for your social justice while lining our pockets with tax dollars! Is Darth CSL thankful for the 161 million dollars the slaves in the empire gave him? Most certainly he is. He is now very well off financially! So thank the liberals, see we fight social injustice and 161 million dollars will pick up any down trodden types in Canada and give them respect, too. If you want to be lifted out of poverty, caused by your laziness, or stupidity vote for the dark side. We promise that even if every last citizen of the empire is on welfare no one will be poor.

We offer none of those mean spirited rebel alliance tax cuts, we offer more big government, and more service.
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