Saturday, October 11, 2008

Darth Anita Neville why we need to throw away billions of dollars on diversity.

Well to us of the Cith diversity is important: It is more important than equal opportunity for job hiring; more important than better roads; more important than making sure fire fighters can actually rescue people; it's certainly more important than the scummy empire builders who deserve the job.

We of the Imperium really don't care about the cost principles are more important than money. If lower productivity ruins the empire well we of the Cith are willing to raise your taxes to compensate. After all theres always more money where taxpayers are concerned. We are willing to send the tax dollars of white males who lost jobs due to to wookies only needing 86 points to be hired while those who we hate who built the empire need a mere 115. There is also hope that by the time wookies have their grandchildren that they will be able to actually communicate in a national language.

If were willing to be open and practice tolerance with your tax dollars why aren't you. It's because you're a knuckle dragging meanie thats why. You should be willing to give your money to the empire so it can waste it on social engineering. If the death Star blows up because no one can understand what the engineers are saying, we can always raise taxes to build another one in episode 6.

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