Now the Rebel Alliance says you should get a choice for health care. They say it will eliminate line ups. Well I tell you if we all go through the same process and we all are in the same queue it encourages everyone to pay higher taxes to fund EGALE and sperm hurling artists.

So we are all in this together and everyone knows we are all in the same lineups, that's why sports stars bypass the line and if they fall down theres a doctor on the field faster than you can get into an ER. It's why people whose pain we actually have to pay for, who are on on workers compensation we bump to the front of the line.
People who are important and rich can go to the United States like Mr. Chretien and thousands of others did. So the important thing for those of us with tolerance and compassion to remember there is one line,... well maybe a different one in each province, but you all need to be treated equally depending which of the many lines line up you're in.
Oh and many families of medical staff cut through the line and you need to understand we need to have all these different exceptions to treat you with all the fairness and caring the dark side can muster. Only by treating all the castes differently can we all have equality.
Anyway I've been diagnosed with cancer of the mitichloriads so I'm off to Aldoran to get away from the wookie one tier health care Bwe, He, He, take that voters.
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