Who were the liberal Mp's that were involved in adscam. How much money did they each get.
Why didn't Dion help the intergalactic environment while minister?
Why does Darth Dion want to ban guns while having a secret service nearby armed with blasters?
Why do the Liberals and NDP insist on forcing western Canadian Farmers to sell wheat via the so called wheat board but, look the other way when Ontario and Quebec are exempt?
How many people will die if Winnipeg becomes as tropical as Minneapolis, and how many more golfing days will there be?

Why in 2006 did liberals want to give stay at home parents nothing while wanting each family to fork out $666 for the Drydencare intergalactic plan, now they want to double the Harper handout to 200 a month, thats a lot of hyperdrive beer and supernova popcorn?
Why did the liberals and NDP water down the crime bill to avoid giving the repeat offenders mandatory jail time?
If you support needle exchange programs will you set one up where Darth Dion lives live?
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