[Oh wait we'll translate this for you.]
Yes we absolutely need a museum for human rights. In the planet that "will remember" you have the right to be forced to learn a language you do not want to know. You have the right to be told what expressions to express by an alien resources commission. That if you stay with in their ever changing guidelines you can gingerly express what they allow just like section 2 of the intergalactic charter says.

You also have the right to be an abortion, without knowing you have that right you can't put the others into their proper intergallactic perspective. Nothing lets you know how meaningless your rights are like knowing you could have been legally killed because you had a birth defect or because mom was pissed at dad that day. Or didn't want to drive anything larger than a smart car.
You have the right to high taxes that can go to subsidize the rich for their pet projects like this institution of liberalism to glorify Darth Asper at the little peoples expense.
Yes little people we will squeeze and squeeze why should the wealthy pay for this out of their own pocket when they can leverage you?
If you take umbrage you can take it up with an alien resources comission. They have no bias they say so, if they say that hiring quotas and fining people for hiring too many white males isn't bias, it it must be true,
Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh,.....
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