This was a nasty bit of skulduggery on our part. See the clever Darth Chretien years ago had an idea he got all the rebel alliance to agree to eliminate all land mines, so when our imperial walkers trudged across the landscape of the Planet Hoth their troops were defenceless. Did you see one Imperial walker hurled into the air when they stepped on a mine? You most certainly did not see even one. So we got them to agree in effect to unilateral disarmament and then it made our job safer. Well except for Admiral Ozzel who was as stupid as Jar Jar Binks is clumsy that is.
Did you see one walker hurled into the air by an anti walker mine? Nope not one, we of the dark side like unilateral disarmament, whether it's land mines, socialism or missile defence systems. Well we like the rest of the galaxy to disarm while we are building more death stars. So they can be nice happy sitting ducks with high pensions and strong subsidies to the arts, and lots of activists fighting for social justice, to defend against imperial destroyers, when we show up.
So helpless were our unilaterally disarmed foes on Hoth that within minutes of us coming out of hyperspace albeit too soon, they were fleeing at the speed of light for their pathetic little lives. Heh, heh, heh,...
So this years award for imperial skulduggery goes to Darth Chretien, someone slide this manila envelope damn and blast, it seems like everyone else got one.
ah, ah, petrokhazakstan,.... choo
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