1) He forced bilingualism on the country so us anglos could all suffer under French linguistic nobility.
2) The NEP to attack Alberta and of course give their money to Quebec to build death star demographics.
3) Consistent lying about what he would do and what he did do when elected.
4) He brought in wide spread abortion that has so far choiced 3.5 million marginalized Canadians,
5) Preferential hiring used against white males but only Anglos,
6) He gave us socialism and changed us from a group of can do types who built the trans Canada railroad in 7 years and conquered Vimy ridge to a bunch of whiny socialists always hoping to be a better victim than the next guy as we demand handouts on tatooine.
7) Trudeau, took a country that was 97% white and gave us diversity, now within my lifetime whites will be a minority and anyone who disagrees no matter how politely is a racist bigot. And there is no sunset clause on when the affirmative action runs out.
8) His policies were the most divisive Canada has ever seen. Every facet in Canada now relies on blaming white males for most everything. Blacks do poorly in school in Toronto? Natives suffering on reserves is all because white people get up and go to work in the morning and study too hard at the Academy.
9) He dishonoured our WWII soldiers by riding around Montreal dressed as a National Socialist while real Canadians were dying overseas.
10) Wage and price controls that he campaigned against, then brought in.
11) He laid waste to the army airforce and navy naming them BS things like land element, No more RCAF or RCN, can't let them be named after the Queen. Still theres the clo0ne army of storm troopers.
12) He brought in the charter of rights to take rights away from white males.
13) The French Metric system, They still sell 2x4's and 2x6's but the trudeaupian governments put things like 50mm wood in their materials. No store sells 50mmx 110mm wood.
14) 20% interest rates. I remember my Dad getting notice from the bank and almost crying, well it looked like someone kicked him in the nuts. That someone was the Uber cith.
15) Withholding tax refunds remember his last year or second last. Because he needed our money to pay for his social programs, his deficits which even my children will still have to pay interest for.
16) Putting the country in debt when there was no national crisis he just wanted to run up the credit card for my children to pay.
17) The young offenders act which raised crime.
18) In 1967 he wiped Capitol punishment off the books raising our murder rates until now and possibly forever.
19) He started the idea that if you didn't want to utterly destroy pre 1967 Canada you were unCanadian MSM's ran with the ball.
20) Every in Canada protestants were forced to endure denigrating multicult schools to destroy their culture and Catholics get government funding for theirs in most provinces.
21) According to the Adverts I owned Petro Canada Yet when it was sold I didn't get a penny, I still remember the adds aerial shots of refineries look what you own Gary, sell me some swamp land to.
22) Then he told people in the commons to f off and flipped them the Bird something I've never read about Mackenzie King doing.
23) in 79 he campaigned that Joe Clark was crazy for wanting to raise gas taxes then once elected he raised them even more than Joe proposed.
24) Our MSM's and schools omit the truth about their Messiah,
25) He liked to get chummy with commie dictators too, to think Canada could have had killing fields & gulags, such a loss.
26) lots of patronage plums some of whom are still employed.
27) Mirabel airport which to this date is still underutilized but the money was spent in Quebec, money spent in Quebec can do no wrong.
28) He set up lotteries just to finance the Olympics in Quebec. Cronyism and corruption have always resulted in overruns. Why did the big O in Montreal cost twice as much as the skydome. Corrupt Quebecois.
29) He had an illegitimate child whom the MSM's kept quiet about.
30) His wife was having sex with the Rolling Stones. Our MSM's kept it quiet until foreigners said they were going to cover it and didn't care about the hands off approach the Canadian media has with the liberals.
31) He set up human rights tribunals to overrule our elected MP's like Jim Pankiw if they say something the socialists do not like or sentence people to 5 years in jail for daring to quote the Bible in Trudeaupia.
32) Prancing like a fairy to show disrespect for the queen.
I was born in Toronto, Joseph Brean which presumably means I'm wonderfully complex. My hate isn't superficial it runs deep, funny I thought I had real reasons, sure they are ones the messiah loving CBC will not bring up but they are real nonetheless. Not something like saying you love him because simply because you watch MSM's who can't help fawning over lefties.
Do tell me one thing good he did for my country and me eh? 1! If it's not too big a chore. Should be real easy for someone whose as sophisticated as you pretend or does your smug eastern sophistication end at calling people names and before historical facts.
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
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