Star Wars III Revenge of the Kanuckistanies.
Ok so it's not quite current, but,...
To anyone who sat through the movie the comparisons between the evil
empire and Canada are chilling. Lucas shouldn’t be allowed to spy on
Canadians any more, someone aught to pass a law. Maybe the midi-chlorians
in the force were overactive in Grant Park but nonetheless I got the
following blasts from the force.
Well the obvious one first as Padme Amadala points out, the emperor
appoints the courts and the senators, so how could he ever face justice. Well
almost, yes Paul Martin does that but he also appoints ambassadors which
might be why captain Antilles got in trouble in part 4, then there’s the
governor general, also lets not forget Glen Murray, senior military posts
and well, who knows how many others. I guess Padme was pressed for time
since this is supposed to be the last movie and left out a few. He
certainly knows how to hang on to power no matter how many votes he loses or
how many people he has to get to cross to the dark side.
Stephen Harper= Anakin = Darth Vader = Anakin To get what he wants Annie
turns to the dark side sells out all his supporters and lets just say that
his actions re the younglings parallel the voting on P93 in the CPC’s last
convention. Don’t worry a lot fewer younglings die than Canada’s daily
toll, so like Canada’s political parties you will not find it too squeamish!
Don’t worry there is still good in him, I can feel it, but it will take 3
elections, err movies to show.
Then there is the entire JEDI Order once a shining light and a basis of
morality and looked up to across the galaxies now cast out and hunted
wherever they might show their faces not that Canadian Christians would know
what that’s like.
In the movie Liberals I mean the emperor invokes code 66 to eliminate the
JEDI order. Did the Dark side not make phone calls to the Grewals and Inky
Mark. Sure it’s a little different than Canada we don’t have hyper-drives
for one, but Sidious sure didn’t sit idle when he said to Vader be calm and
feel the force flow away from you for a week.
There’s a lot of Count Dookus out there, how is poor Sheila Copps these
days, The emperor lopped her head off once she outlived her usefulness. Or
was it Martha Hall Findlay? Or the victims of any of Martin’s star
candidates lots to choose from for their Darth Tyranus.
When Padme was agonizing about democracy dying in the empire could she be
referring to anything other than the way the House of Commons gets
invigorated each time they deflect a new area of corruption or was it the
way Darth Plageus could cheat death and just shrug off non confidence
Death Star a totally obvious metaphor for the Toronto Star. Floating
across the land doing the bidding of an evil master obliterating those whose
don’t conform to the most ardent left wing ideals of the emperor the
weapon on the Death Star is rumored to be called CBC in conjunction with G&M
TotalPower thrusters and Global shields.
When Darth Sidious was explaining with obvious pride that he had killed
his master Darth Plageus in his sleep. Well who could not be tractor beamed
back to the Martin run at the leadership of the Liberal party, the
sleepwalking golf ball meister Chretien.
Now who to use as an analogy for Old Ben Kenobie? Jack Layton sure cut
the legs out from under Darth Vader, As did Cadman and Stronach though I can
hardly call propping up the liberals an act of the light side of the force.
Maybe all those pro life conservatives agonizing about who to vote for now
that the 3 big parties have turned to the dark side.
Any way seems Lucas wasn’t quite perfect in his megamovie metaphor of the
Canadian government. For I really don't know who to put down as Yoda. Gilles
Duceppe? Joe Clark? The Green Party! Well I better go into hiding now
seems to be some Code 66 issue, off to Tatoonie.
PS I thought of shrinking the helmet more but, I thought it looked funny like that.
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