Now some on the knuckle draggers on the light side of the force, call us gluttons, say we take more than our share. They don't understand that we are entitled to our entitlements. No matter how many planets we have to abort to get them.
Why should they worry if taxes are too high. Don't they know that not wanting taxes for artists to throw feces at pic's of the light side force is mean spirited? Don't they realize that the higher we put taxes the more efficient it makes the interplanetary plebs? Why should these whiners want their taxes lower? They would just be taking money out of the planned manila envelope interstellar economy!

Why? You may ask! For personal spending on beer popcorn and the light saber pension fund or other such rubbish. The important thing to understand is that though they might think these trivial things are important, they do nothing whatsoever for the empire. Does buying junk toys at spacemart help pay for more activists? does paying off your space house,
The empire needs social workers, it needs people who care about their pension while fighting for social, people like Darth Fry who will fight for tolerance no matter how many imaginary crosses need to be burnt. People like Darth Belinda who will fight for crappy single tier health care than flee to the planet of California when her life is on the line. How can we pay for crappy single tier health care with out more taxes we can't. And without more taxes would Darth Belinda be able to go to Planet California to be cured.
The Empire needs folk like Darth Gagliano, to bring up their ethnic status whenever they are caught doing extra fund raising for the empire, wink wink, Because giving 50% of your earnings is not enough, nor is 60 or 100% I want more, more, more, how do you like it, how do you like your, more, more, more, how do you like it, how do you like your, Darth.
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